The right lawn mower is the most important tool for achieving the perfectly manicured lawn of your dreams. The best model for your yard, however, depends on personal preferences and needs. Keep reading to learn how to choose the right mower for you, and call Holder and Sons Equipment when you’re ready to see some models for sale. We are located in Durham, North Carolina and are proud to serve Raleigh and Greensboro!

Your Property 

The first factor to consider when buying a lawn mower is your property. Bigger properties will benefit from models that have wide cutting decks and quick speeds. On the other hand, smaller properties can get by with smaller and lower cost machines. The larger your land, the more you should focus on getting a machine with higher efficiency.

You should also take into account any obstacles on your land. Are there trees, flower beds, or rocks? You’ll want a model that is agile and can easily navigate around these obstacles while still getting a close, clean cut. If your land is filled with hills, you should invest in a lawn mower that has a low center of gravity and sufficient traction.

Your Fitness Level 

Next, you should consider your personal fitness level. Some people can easily handle a push mower. These models require the operator to use their strength to push the lawn mower around. Others may opt for something that does the work for them, such as a riding model. These are ideal for those who have back pain or large properties.

Your Budget

Of course, you have to factor in your budget. Think about how much you can and want to spend. Build your budget with the future in mind. If this machine needs to last several years, you’ll want to invest in a durable model. You should also think about what features you need. If you only need the basics, you can save money on a model with fewer features.

Deck Width

Finally, it’s time to think about the specs of your ideal lawn mower. The deck width will depend on the size of your land. A narrower deck width means the mowing will take longer since less ground will be covered in one sweep. However, you’ll be able to easily move around trees and bushes. On the other hand, wide decks are ideal for open spaces with no obstacles in the way. If you have uneven or hilly land, a smaller mower will be better for navigating the terrain and for avoiding obstacles.

Are you ready to find the perfect lawn mower? Contact Holder and Sons Equipment in Durham, North Carolina. We are proud to serve Raleigh and Greensboro too. Let us help you achieve the yard of your dreams!